
GIG 1.3 - Optimal Playbook

FOUND: The Preparation - In the beginning, we set the foundation for a life in flow. We learn the philosophical interpretations of how optimal performers think about and see reality...

Creating a Game Plan to Thrive

Follow an indispensable game plan that gives you razor-sharp clarity & fuels the performance and longevity of your music career.

GIG 1.3 - Optimal Playbook (Intro)

GIG 1.3.1 - Set priorities, values, and rules to live by

TRAINING: GIG 1.3.1 - Time Assumptions

  • Think about assumptions that you may have when it comes to how long it takes to write, produce, practice, or learn a song and lyrics.
  • Your aim is to cut that time with training.
  • What would it take to cut that time in half?

TRAINING: GIG 1.3.1 - The Highest-Leverage Activities

  • Make a list of everything you do over the course of a month and figure out the main tasks in your work (art, music).
  • Ask yourself: If you could only do one thing on that list all day long, which item on the list would add the most value to your work?
  • Third, ask: “If you could do only one more thing on your list of key tasks, which would be the second activity that contributes the most value to your work?”
  • Finally, ask yourself what the third most important task is.

TRAINING: GIG 1.3.1 - Elimination

  • Keep taking notes of ideas to reduce cognitive load.
  • Define your “Activity Values”:
    • Make a list of everything you do over the course of a typical month and figure out the main activities and tasks you’re doing in your life. Think about all the areas in your life such as your mind, your body, your health, your work (that’s your music), and your overall lifestyle including finances, relationships (that’s your social life) and so on.
    • Ask yourself: If you could only do one thing on that list all day long, which item on the list would add the most value to your overall well-being which includes all these areas.
    • Next, ask: “If you could do only one more thing on your list of key tasks, which would be the second activity that contributes the most value to your life?”
    • Then, ask yourself what the third most important task is.
    • And so on, you get the idea…
  • Think about the things you do outside of these values.
  • Think about other trade-offs (e.g., health and cooking).
  • Rank by resource requirements.
  • Eliminate the top five.

TRAINING: GIG 1.3.1 - Simplify

  • Think about the pursuits in your life and work/business which are not synergistic.

  • Decide if sequential processing is worth the cost.

    • Yes: continue fully informed

    • No: remove, double down, and continue

GIG 1.3.2 - Create an environment to thrive

TRAINING: GIG 1.3.2 - Reducing Friction

To create an optimal practice environment, ask yourself:

  • Is my practice space comfortable and practical? 

  • Can I reduce distractions?

Reducing Friction:

  • Think about ways (three) to use friction as a catalyst.

  • Think about ways (three) to use friction as a deterrent.

  • Think about places (five) where you can eliminate systemic friction.

TRAINING: GIG 1.3.2 - Behavioral Change

  • Think about how you can leverage seven hours of work per day. 
  • At the end of the day, imagine how tomorrow will look. 
    • Sit down and prepare your to-do list for the next day. 
    • Think about the three most important things that you need to start with at work in order to make this happen. 
    • Think about things that you need to do before you start working that will support this.

GIG 1.3.3 - Create optimal habits and routines

TRAINING: GIG 1.3.3 - Eliminate Distraction

  • What are the five biggest distractions in your life?

  • What are the things you could do to eliminate them?

TRAINING: GIG 1.3.3 - Beat Overwhelm

  • In which areas in my life am I overcommitted?
  • What demands have I brought upon myself that I don’t have the resources (time, attention, energy, money etc.) to meet?
  • How am I complicit in creating the situation that I don't want?

TRAINING: GIG 1.3.3 - Track Interruption

  • Start noticing every time you’re interrupted.
  • Identify the source of the interruption (e.g., coworker, phone, outside noise) and the severity of the interruption.
  • Give an estimate of how much it has damaged your attention.

TRAINING: GIG 1.3.3 - Minimize the Digital to Thrive

  • Disable notifications from all apps.

  • Set specific times for phone checking.

  • Choose a specific time when to batch email and how often.

  • See if you can collapse any appointments or meetings.

TRAINING: GIG 1.3.3 - Creating the Life Rulebook

  • Think about decisions that you frequently make.

  • Create a rule for each of them.

TRAINING: GIG 1.3.3 - Creating Routines to Thrive

  • Deconstruct your morning & evening routines.

  • Map them in detail.

  • Execute them mindlessly.

GIG 1.3 - Optimal Playbook (Outro)

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